Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Is it teenages or teen-angers, either way they are so hard to figure out these days. One minute they are having fun with friends and the next minute. . . . I don't like to see them so down but that is how life rolls. I would like to be able to tell them it gets easier the older they get but I am not to sure about that anymore. Unless you drink alcohol and have a car to run around in, or away from the cops, you don't fit in. It's sad that kids think they need to have these things to have friends.

I do remember the feeling when I was a freshman, getting ready to go to a new school, in a new town and wondering if I would ever fit in and have friends. It took a long time before I could really trust anyone but it did happen. I do remember all the talk about going to parties but thanks to my parents I was not allowed to but this didn't keep me from fitting in. I played sports and that is what I loved the most. If you played any sport, you were not suppose to drink but that didn't matter to a lot of them. Playing sports meant more to me than drinking. On the court, I got along with everyone and had fun but off the court, it was a different. Team mates had other friends they hung out with and I did my own thing. This didn't keep me from being both the Queen of Courts and the All Around Girl my senior year. I just wish I could get my kids to understand that.

As you can tell we have been having some drama around the house with the teenagers. I don't know why but this morning my head was spinning and I thought about my sister-in-law Melody, who blogs every time she needs to vent.

Don't get me wrong with this blog because I do love my kids very much and wouldn't trade them for anything.