Sunday, October 18, 2009

Her Dream.....

Future Cheerleader!

Brooke has loved to cheer for years. When she was three I made her a cheerleader uniform. She was so cute! Not only did she wear it for Dylan's ball games, she also wore it for Halloween. Brooke has had the chance to participate in cheerleader clinics for the past two years, but chickened out when it came time to perform in front of the crowd. Believe it or not, Brooke was shy. Wow, how time changes you. If you remember a couple post back, I put a picture of Brooke and her friend cheering at a football game. After that game, she has gotten a lot braver. It doesn't matter if a friend is beside her or not, she is cheering.

Practicing for four hours, you would think it would warrant at least 4 cheers, but no, they did two. Brooke was disappointed but at the same time excited, she got to participate. Let's just say the cheers she did learn, she knows very well and did them the rest of the game.

Last week Brooke was sick (flu) and home with Tim. When she would get a burst of energy she would get up and do a cheer. At one point she would have Tim sit in front of her on the couch and she would do the motions to a cheer and he would have to guess the name of that cheer. After a couple cheers, she would crash again...poor thing. I had to laugh because when I got home from work the items on the coffee table beside the sick girl were; a thermometer, a cup, a box of Kleenex's, the lamp and her pink piece of paper that had the cheers listed on it. Then I heard all about Tim's day. Tim did learn a cheer and he just can't say the name of the cheer, he has to put the motions with it. Big G Little o GO (clap) Go (clap clap)! Haven't been to a ball game with the both of them to see if Tim will stand and do the cheer with Brooke. I guess this post will have To Be Continued...

Can they do it?????


The Mission Valley Jr Viking Volleyball team, coached by Aunt Debbie, took 1st in their league tournament yesterday. They were 5-2 going into the tournament. One of the losses shouldn't have happened (against Chase County) but everyone is entitled to a bad night and I think the whole team was having one. The second loss was just this past Thursday to West Franklin. I would have to say this was truly their toughest games all year. The girls went into the tournament knowing they could bet Chase County but were leery about West Franklin. The first set Mission Valley put them away. West Franklin come back to take the second set and the third, well we showed them we were the best. The girls played awesome games. Excellent team work and you could tell they all wanted the same thing. Thank you, Aunt Debbie for all your hard work into these girls.

Cassidy digging and making an awesome pass to the setter. She made several awesome sets for the hitter and one being a kill from the hitter. She doesn't get to play much varsity but when she does she fits right in and her drive to do her best is AMAZING! Way to go Cassidy!

Playing the back row beside Kasi Kraus. It will be an interesting season next year. There were only three 7th graders that dressed out for yesterdays tournament. Thank God Cassidy got to be a part of this. It brings joy of tears to her mothers eyes to see Cassidy play the way she does. She has natural talent that she is still discovering when she makes awesome plays, like the one above. We love you Cassidy, keep up the hard work.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

End of 1st nine weeks!

Parent Teacher Conferences

The kids are all doing well in school. Tim and I are very thankful that our kids are in tune with their grades and they care.

Lets start with Brooke, she is an outstanding reader and a very good helper. Her teacher had no complaints. Brooke is really liking school this year. Her teacher is a mother to a little girl, Lea, who I babysat for 2 1/2 years. I have to admit, I'm glad those daycare days are over but I do miss the kids. Brooke's dibbels test have her scoring extremely high. Her second favorite to reading is math. She has a math worksheet to do every evening and does it with no complaints or help. Whenever Brooke tells me she is bored I tell her to go get a book and read it to me. She does without hesitation. It shocks me every time this happens, but makes me proud. Check out the angels kisses on these two girls. Gracies, the girl in the picture with Brooke, has a sister who plays volleyball with Cassidy.

Cassidy's 1st year in junior high is off to a good start. It didn't take her anytime at all adjusting to different teachers every hour. Cassidy is always on top of her grades checking them at least twice a week to make sure she has all A's. She is frustrated because she keeps seeing a B in computer/typing. At conferences with the computer/typing teacher, Mrs Browning, Cassidy said she couldn't do better on her timed test. The teacher, in her teacher voice said, "Cassidy, if I knew your middle name, I would use it right now, you can do it." Tim and I at the same time said, "Rae!". The next day Cassidy said the teacher used her full name in class. I have this feeling before to long Cassidy will have an A in that class. Getting in to see every teacher takes quite a long time. Parents are not given a scheduled time to visit teachers. You stand in line outside the classroom door. When we got to Aunt Debbie's classroom door (Science) we had 3 parents in front of us. Cassidy said, "Mom, you can talk to Aunt Debbie any time", so we went on. Debbie caught me the next evening and said she was waiting for us to come visit her. Sorry Aunt Debbie, maybe next time.

Dylan, where do we begin. His first teacher Mrs. Spoon (English) said how Dylan can do better than he is if he would just applied himself and he needs to read more. He will flat out tell her he doesn't like to read. This is the teacher that said last year that she doesn't have teachers pets but in that class she did and it was Dylan. Dylan, on the other hand would come home saying how he disliked that teacher. After we told him what she said, there weren't too many more complaints. On to the next classroom, Chemistry, the teacher commented on the fact that he is the class comedian...he can thank his dad for that. Very outspoken and will flat out tell her if he doesn't understand something in class. Dylan and this teacher get along very well. The rest of the teachers were very pleased with him too.

Happy Teenie Bopper Birthday, Brat!

Doctors News!

Tim's knees should be 100% improved. He scraped behind both knee caps and mended a couple torn cartilages. Goes back to see the Dr on Monday for recheck. Tim is hoping for a couple more weeks off. Time for Leslie to start her list, or add more to it.



Two teenagers in our house, what will we do.

One's never wrong


the other is always right.

HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY, Cassidy Rae

Yummy! Kansas Dirt Cake. Thanks Grandma Vicki for the recipe.

Cassidy had a sleep over with several of her friends. We can't forget, she did have one boy (Willis) show up, just for the bon fire. They all had a great time. Guitar hero was a good entertainer. That is not all, they also had to do their annual birthday TP-ing. Not only did they do Aunt Debbie's house, but they also decorated the Wayman's, twice. Morgan Wayman the girl playing guitar hero with Cassidy had left some clothes behind so we dropped them off before taking everyone home. While Cassidy was delivering clothes, Tim found another roll of toilet paper in the vehicle, and the game was on again. By the way, Morgan had just finished cleaning up from the night before. It was hilarious watching Morgan chase Cassidy around the yard and through the vehicle. Cassidy passed the roll of toilet paper to Dakota and she finished the job.

Cassidy is playing the flute in the parade at the Auburn fair.

Whenever Mom will let her, Brooke loves to use the camera to take pictures of her friends and friends take pictures of her. This pictures says it all. Tim and I think Dylan is a hand full at times, but truly our toughest is yet to come.

Right now, the only pictures of Dylan are with him in uniform. He runs a pretty tight schedule. During the week he gets home around 6:30 pm we eat supper, he does homework, and sometimes he get to relax and watch a show with those of us who have time, and then it is off to bed to begin his day again. On Saturdays he works at the local Cafe either from 9-2 or 2-9. Sundays he spends time doing whatever he feels like doing and before he knows it the weekends is over and its time to hit the books again. The Mission Valley Vikings varsity football team is undefeated after a HUGE win against the "unstoppable" Osage City last night. It was our homecomming and we were pumped and ready.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Doctor, Doctor, give me the news!

Here we go, all over again. Tim is having both his knees scoped this morning (10/2/09). It all started on March 17, 2009, at a Saint Patrick's dance at the Buffalo Inn in Eskridge Kansas, as you all know dancing is one of Tim's favorite things to do. He danced 1 song with me (I had nothing to do with it) and from then on it hasn't been the same. He had knee surgery in High School to repair his ACL which left two screws in his right knee. It is very sore and I think he overcompensated on the left and now it is swollen about double the size and he can't bend it more than 90 degrees on a good day. Not good! He did fall, in a hospital parking lot of all places, about 4 weeks ago (we were visiting my new great niece Hayleigh Link, Jessica Salisbury's daughter). The Doctor thinks maybe he tore cartilage. I guess we will find out today. Procedure scheduled for 8:45 am. This is where the loving wife switches her hat to the loving nurse, again! Wish us luck!