Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine Surprise

I love this man so much! He always seems to surprises me.
My Valentines day started off really well.
He had a card and a little wrapped box stored in a place he knew I would find them.
On top of that, he sent me a dozen beautiful roses at work.
There is an interesting story to go with this.
Tim has never been in favor of this day.
For some reason, he has spoken more freely about it this year than prior years.
Cassidy has been struggling with it.
She was consistently questioning him about what he was going to do for me (Mom).
On the evening of February 13, she and her Dad were on their way up the stairs for bed, she stopped him and asked, "Are you going to at least get Mom a card?"
Little did she know, he had already taken care of the card and then some.
Tim and I do not see Dylan and Cassidy before we leave for work so I asked Brooke to let Cassidy know that her Dad did get me something.
Cassidy called as soon as Brooke told her and asked if I would take a picture of the bracelet and send it to Dylan's phone so she could see it.
She was just as shocked as I was.
Then she was really shocked when I told her about he flowers.
I have always made this a special day for my family.
I cook a gourmet meal and the adults have wine while the kids have kids wine over candlelight. This year we forgot the candles, darn, but the meal was awesome! It consisted of chicken cordon bleu, twice baked potatoes, salad and chocolate pudding pie. Now I can't take all the credit for this years meal. Each of the kids helped out.
They each got a little something from Mom.
We had a relaxing evening without the TV, just the Wines'.
Thank you Tim for a wonderful Day and thank you kids for helping make the meal a big success.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I guess my brother IS a keeper! ;) He did good! And I love the tradition of dinner... we do the same! It's my favorite part of the holiday. PS ~ I want to see the bracelet too!
