We thought these clouds looked as close to mountains as we'll ever get in Kansas.
Our school year is coming to a close. The kids have only 8 days of school left. They can hardly wait. Dylan has started his 1st job, it's washing dishes at the local cafe. He fixed his 4-wheeler so when he is not working he is off riding around. Let me rephrase that, he is trying all kinds of stunts elsewhere so his parents can't see. Someday we will catch him. You will notice below we have no pictures of him on the blog.
Cassidy's spring concert. In this pictures she was recognized for singing in the honors choir. The teacher
picks the best from the school to go perform with approximately 100 other students from surrounding schools. Cassidy was devastated with the unexpected recognition in front of the crowd. The dress she is wearing is one that I made for her the night before. When we went shopping Cassidy came to me with this pattern and wanted the dress. I told her I didn't think it looked like her. Well, I was wrong. Tim and I think it looks great on her. The only catch is, now she wants me to make more. Like I don't have enough to do. We had a parent come up to us after the program to tell us how much Cassidy is growing up. As you can see the leggins are back. Beside Cassidy is one of her very best friends, Autumn. We love Autumn she is an awesome person and a great companion for Cassidy.

Brooke on her field trip. The class went to a farmers market in Lawrence. Each student was able to pick their own spinach. Brooke was eating it right off the plant. Other kids were frowning at it. She couldn't wait until we got home to cook it for supper that night. She also tried raw asparagus and loves it too.

Cassidy playing her flute in the concert. She struggled playing this instrument and one day something clicked and we have not
heard any complaints or protest since.

Brooke being the monkey she loves to be. This is another picture from her field trip. After the market they went to a park to let the kids burn off energy before sitting on the bus for their 1 1/2 hour trip home.

We have had nothing but rain lately and we are thankful none of it has been severe here for us. One town 40 mins. south of us received 6 inches of rain in 1 hour Thursday evening. Glad that missed us. Amazing lightning show yesterday morning. Tim and I watched as all the lightning bolts hit the radio towers over and over on our way to work. Way cool!
Ball has started for the girls. I am coaching Brooke's team. After a year off, Cassidy has decided that she loves softball. She looks forward to practice when they do have it. Rain has kept her team off the field. Dylan of course is not playing due to his job. He is working towards a car/truck, we will see.
Bathroom remodel job is almost finished. Kainaan is still welcome to come down and approve it. And there is always that kitchen job next. I do want cabinet doors on my cabinets though.
This is Awesome site! Alos Really good pics! Dane would like to comment on the one with Cassidy where she's about to hit the ball, and you can see the motion! lol (his words)
ReplyDeleteLove You Guys! :D
Auto and Dane