It's hard to believe my first born is 18.
Where does time go?
Where does time go?

He had to wait 18 years to get one of these. We have heard over and over again, "I know what you can get me." Well, it finally happened. He was so excited that he and Autumn made a trip to Topeka the next day to buy everything he needed to hook up a 220 line in the garage. It has paid off already. He is consistently building and fixing things. He even rigged a handle on the welder so he didn't have to bend over to pick it up whenever he wanted to move it. Way cool!!!
I just stumbled on your blog and reading this post made me a little teary-eyed. My son is 9 and he's still excited about Legos and Star Wars action figures, but in just a few short years he'll probably be wanting something like a welder too! Thanks for the reminder to love every minute of childhood :)