Sunday, May 22, 2011

8th Grade Promotion

Can you believe our daughter is going to be a high schooler already?
We will have a senior and a freshman next year.
Not sure what to expect other than
T R O U B L E !

Thanks to her Dad, she is last in alphabetical order in her class.
As you can see she is parading in by herself because of the odd number
in her class. Personally I liked it this way, we didn't have to worry
about the other person in the picture.

Officially a FRESHMAN!
As her Dad likes to say, she had been hit with the 'stupid stick'.
He says this happens to every 8th grade graduate. It takes one year to wear off.

Look at how tall they are all getting.
Before too long Brooke will be passing her mother up as well.

These are the pictures Cassidy choose for the slide show.

Cassidy and her best friend Morgan Wayman.

Promotion party packed with pasta in the park.

Cassidy loves anything Italian, so we had her very favorite alfredo, spaghetti with hugh meatballs, two kinds of lasagna and we started it all off with a wonderful Italian salad.

1 comment:

  1. I can not believe a FRESHMAN!! The kids are growing up way to fast. She looked stunning. Congrats Cassidy. We are so proud of you!! We love you all and cant wait to see you.
