The kids are all doing well in school. Tim and I are very thankful that our kids are in tune with their grades and they care.
Lets start with Brooke, she is an outstanding reader and a very good helper. Her teacher had no complaints. Brooke is really liking school this year. Her teacher is a mother to a little girl, Lea, who I babysat for 2 1/2 years. I have to admit, I'm glad those daycare days are over but I do miss the kids. Brooke's dibbels test have her scoring extremely high. Her second favorite to reading is math. She has a math worksheet to do every evening and does it with no complaints or help. Whenever Brooke tells me she is bored I tell her to go get a book and read it to me. She does without hesitation. It shocks me every time this happens, but makes me proud. Check out the angels kisses on these two girls. Gracies, the girl in the picture with Brooke, has a sister who plays volleyball with Cassidy.

Cassidy's 1st year in junior high is off to a good start. It didn't take her anytime at all adjusting to different teachers every hour. Cassidy is always on top of her grades checking them at least twice a week to make sure she has all A's. She is frustrated because she keeps seeing a B in computer/typing. At conferences with the computer/typing teacher, Mrs Browning, Cassidy said she couldn't do better on her timed test. The teacher, in her teacher voice said, "Cassidy, if I knew your middle name, I would use it right now, you can do it." Tim and I at the same time said, "Rae!". The next day Cassidy said the teacher used her full name in class. I have this feeling before to long Cassidy will have an A in that class. Getting in to see every teacher takes quite a long time. Parents are not given a scheduled time to visit teachers. You stand in line outside the classroom door. When we got to Aunt Debbie's classroom door (Science) we had 3 parents in front of us. Cassidy said, "Mom, you can talk to Aunt Debbie any time", so we went on. Debbie caught me the next evening and said she was waiting for us to come visit her. Sorry Aunt Debbie, maybe next time.

Great Job Wines Kids. Keep up the GREAT work!!!