This is what happens from being cooped up inside due to torrential rains. We have gone from snow to rain and still cold. Can't wait for it to be over. Cassidy is always trying to pick us up so they came up with another way for her to pick Dylan up. She was so proud of herself! Although she could only hold him for a couple seconds and about three tries.

Our Baby is no longer 6. It is hard to believe how time is flying. She got this hat from school and proudly wore it all day. We had our family birthday dinner the weekend before and she requested her "No dishes meal". You dump the food in the middle of the table and dig in with your fingers. It had cajun shrimp, Keilbasa, potatoes, corn cobs, onion, garlic, lemons and crab boil all cooked in one pot. She had requested this meal for three years in a row. Yum! Yum! You can't tell from this pictures that she is missing two teeth. "All she want for Easter is her two front teeth". Brooke gets to have a sleep over this weekend with her girlfriends. Joy! Joy! What will Tim and Dylan do? Aunt Debbie says that she is going to TeePee our house. For those of you who don't know what this means it is when she brings toilet paper down in the dark and throws it into the trees so it droops. Not just one roll it is several. The trees look like they have stredded paper hanging from them. Pray for Rain!

This is what a common morning looks like before school. Brooke normally comes down and gets dressed in from of the stove. Cassidy just happened to join her and it looked cool with both of them in blue. We are SOOOOO sick of this stove. Not that we don't enjoy the heat it produces but we are tired of bringing in the wood and being stuck in the house. Most people have already planted their gardens, we haven't done anything since Dylan has tilled it.

Cassidy, you got to love her. She wanted to go get her friend Autumn to show her a Youtube video she found on Twilight but didn't want to walk and Mom nor Dad would drive. She asked Dylan to start the mower so she could go pick her up. By the time Cassidy got the mower out of the garage and around the back Autumn was in the yard and Cassidy missed her. When she turned around to go back to the garage the mower ran out of gas. Dylan had to go push her back.

Dylan's newest love!!! Tim bought this guitar for him at a school auction. It was brand new and donated by a music store. Every free chance he gets he is trying new sounds and notes. Tim and I are amazed at how well he has picked it up. He has even written his own song. He calls it, "His Stairway to Heaven". It's really a cool song. Though he changes it up constantly. He tries several different picking styles but his favorate is picking the strings. Some song titled Hey there Delialah that he heard in Montana while visiting his favorite Uncle and Aunt. Thank you Mel and Kainaan for being there for him.

Tim's beautiful blondes. Cassidy has taken to sitting on Mom's lap so Brooke wanted in on the action too. Cassidy and Mom have a very tight relationship, in fact, over Easter my sisters kept giving her a hard time about being attached to my hip. Every time I turned around she was there mostly because she wanted to help in the kitchen. Tim loves to watch us wrestle and giggle. Cassidy thinks she can take her mom but mom won't give her the chance. That is right now. Soon......who knows.