I do apologize for not posting something sooner.
Life is so busy for the Wines'. Yea, yea, yea, I know it's that way for everyone.
But for me, this year was going to be different.
I had it all planned out and even got a head start.
I make homemade gifts for the Montana nieces and all was going great until...
Well, lets just say, I broke my new sewing machine.
It has been in the shop for over a week.
Called Monday and he still hasn't received the part. I am really bummed out!
I guess our gifts for the Montana nieces will, like always, be late.
Sorry girls!
As for the Wines', it's hunting season for the men of the house which means they are not included in anything the girls do.
The Brooke and I are trying to keep up with Cassidy playing basketball two nights a week
and squeezing Christmas shopping in on the weekends.
Shopping is not going so well.
Last weekend, the girls wanted to watch their cousin wrestle in an all day tournament at Mission Valley and this weekend Cassidy has a basketball tournament on Saturday.
That leaves Sunday for hitting it hard. Look out Topeka!
I am struggling this year with Christmas shopping.
The older they get the fewer items they want which is GREAT but those few items are more expensive. Decisions, decisions!
Our computer is in the shop but as soon as we get it back we will have several posts.