One year ago today we adopted this beautiful little brown eyed girl.
She's not so little anymore, but boy what a difference she has made in our lives.
Having a dog that lives in the house with us and is truly one of the family,
is such a rewarding experience.
Heidi is such a well behaved and brilliant dog.
She is a great joy to have around.
She wasn't too sure about this whole Halloween thing.
We actually let strangers walk right up onto her porch.
They were even dressed up in hideous clothing and wearing makeup on
their faces and she was not even allowed to sniff them.
What a confusing night for her.

Miss Brooke went as the corpse bride.
She really got in to character.

Gutting and carving her very own Jack-O-Lantern.
Dad drew the pattern but she wanted to do everything else all by herself and she did.

Playing with pumpkin intestines was her favorite part.
No squeamish girly stuff here.

You just have to figure this one out on your own.
Cassidy is her own thing.

An awesome friend, Katie Mulkey, assisting Cassidy with her long eyelashes.
Notice the nails.
We all had a wonderful and safe Halloween.
Small towns make nights like this great because you don't have to worry about things like homemade treats. Our kids brought home things like carmel apples and popcorn balls, each made with love. Much like the carmel corn and puppy chow Leslie made to give out. All the kids in town know where to come for the puppy chow.