Sunday, October 24, 2010


Our Fall sports are coming to an end.

We are so proud of Dylan and Cassidy.
They have each improved their own game tremendously.

Dylan had his last home game on Friday.

Cassidy's volleyball season came to an end a couple weekends ago.
They finished 5th in the tournament.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Michael "Mad Dog" Mayo

This ones for you Mickey!

Cassidy's 14th Birthday!

Our big 8th grader is almost in high school.
She picked out a pair of cowgirl boots when we were on vacation in
Branson and has been very excited to finally get to open and wear them.
Since she already knew what she was getting, we told her that she had to
at least act surprised when she opened the present for pictures sake.

How'd she do?

Her band of misfits.
This was her "street gang" that terrorized the town with toilet paper.
First stop, cops house.

As much as she loved and anticipated the boots,
her ever-so-loving brother stole the show by one upping us.
He bought her that stinkin iPOD Touch that she begged her parents for.

Pure gratitude in its most sincere form.
(Out of the way Brooke.)

The Boys (and Girls) of Fall


We are learning more about cheer than we ever thought we would.
The effort it takes to learn these cheers and perform them correctly is surprising immense.

Showing their stuff at the Harveyville Fair.

Cassidy's aggression is really showing on the volleyball court.
She is not afraid to exert the extra effort to continue the volley.
Just like Momma use to do.
"Ace... Ace... in your face!"

When her serves are on, they can be
quite troublesome for the opponent.

That's right QB, 75 is ALL over you,
despite the obvious block in the back from 50.

Dylan has known this quarterback since 2nd grade.
Tackling him was quite the pleasure.
Dylan's football skill level and knowledge has increased so much over the past year.
He is three times the player that he was last year.
It doesn't hurt that he is one of the biggest kids on the field
and it takes quite an effort to make him move backwards.
Even the upperclassmen are finding this out.

This one is going to be quite a story all on her own.
Not sure that we are anxious for that.