This years trip we went to Silver Dollar City near Branson, Missouri.
This is a village in the Ozark mountains that shows how things were done 200+ years ago.
We saw blacksmiths, glass blowers, leather workers, soap makers and even old fashion candy makers.

The town was originally built to house the people working at marvel cave. This cave was discovered hundreds of years ago by Native Americans and then turned into a tourist attraction.
The very first cavern you enter was so large that they once inflated 5 hot air balloons and flew them around inside it. Our trip through the cave was over 600 feet below the surface and over one mile long.
The kids were more than a little apprehensive at first but they actually got used to it as the passageways got smaller. One of use got claustrophobic as the passageways got smaller but we won't rat out Dylan. It really was an amazing adventure.

The train up and out was excited in itself. The seat were built at an amazing angle due to the steep incline exciting the caves tunnel.

The City has evolved into an amusement park with a hand full of roller coasters and other various rides.
Here the kids are in "Grandpa's Fun House".

One of the roller coasters, Wild Fire, soared HIGH above the tree tops.
Tim could see down the mountainside to Table Rock Lake way, way, way down below.

More fun!

This float ride offers likely chances to get drenched.
Leslie is assessing her own damages.
Notice she's the only one wet.

This water park area had water guns that would shoot water 50 feet toward targets that would react in all sorts of ways.
I've never dreamed there were so many ways to play in with a stream of water.
Our daughters had lots of fun in this area and came back soaked.

Another squirt gun ride where you shoot other boats, other squirts, and the occasional unsuspecting passer bys. You
don't get off this ride dry.

They end the day with a good ol' time country western show. Something like you would see on Hee Haw. Just a few of the country babes.