Highlight Lake at Galatin National Forest just north of Yellow Stone National Park. This is where we caught lots of Cutthroat and Brookies. A beautiful day Dylan threw snowballs at us. Weather was perfect!

Dylan at Holden Lake waiting to put the boat in the water. Beautiful morning accompanied by magpies squawking all around us. Dylan thought he would climb the mountain beside us. He made it most the way up before remembering what the mountain air does to his lungs. Spooked up lots of mule deer.

Killing time waiting on the boss to let us into the gate for the boat ramp.

The canyon was gorgeous with steep cliffs on either side. We were visited by bald eagles and mule deer. But mostly walleye and trout.

Tim caught this one taking its perch. These fisherman were silent and apparently unproductively. I really want to watch one snatch a fish but no luck.

Canyon Ferry Res. We gave up on the walleye and went after rainbow trout. Much to Uncle Dennis' dismay. He doesn't mess with trout since discovering walleye fishing. Walleye are much more tricky to catch. Nothing like a good rainbow fight though.

The crew as pictured by Dylan. Tim, Uncle Dennis and Joe Wayman.
This beautiful picture of Highlight Lake.
Dylan holding a rainbow trout. Canyon Ferry. All the trout we just about the same size. Lots of fun to catch. They jump alot, you get them close to the boat then they strip your line and head to the sea so you can pull them in again.
This was one of the best fishing trips I have ever taken. From the scenery to the weather and of course lets not forget Uncle Dennis' graceous hospitality and excellent guiding services. He has a great boat, knows how to use it and knows where the fish are. When at home he is who all the locals call for the fishing report. Just don't report to Leon between news, dinner and shower time.